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The Player is a core class that represents a user playing the game. Each game will have its own player class that contains any special properties and methods particular to the game, such as player.score() or player.isDealer. Boardzilla will manage seating the players to start the game, and show each player what actions they can perform. The player object will be passed back to you in your actions when the players perform them.

Player List

The current list of players is always available as game.players which returns an Array-like of players with other special methods added. The array is in the order the players will normally act, but can be re-ordered with sortBy.

player order vs table position

Player order is not always the same as the seating order around the table. Boardzilla will begin the game with players in order based on seating, but if the order is changed, then game.players will be in turn order, but looking at player.position or game.players.inPositionOrder() will tell you what the seating order is.

The API documentation contains a full list of available methods on PlayerCollection.

Current player

Boardzilla has a concept of a current player, that is currently allowed to act. If not otherwise specified, when presenting possible player actions, they are presented for the current player, and no other player can act until their turn.

The current player is available by calling game.players.current(). You can set the current player, with player.setCurrent(). Typically however, when letting each player take turns, you will simply use eachPlayer which automatically sets the current player.

It is possible for multiple players to be considered current, in which case these players can act simultaneously. You can set multiple players by calling game.players.setCurrent() with an array. In these cases, you must use game.players.allCurrent() to retrieve the list of current players rather than game.players.current().

The API documentation contains a full list of available methods on Player.

Customize player

When you create a Boardzilla game, you are automatically provided with a subclassed Player class where you can add properties and methods specific to your game. Typically this is where you keep per-player state, such as score.

The player object is used throughout Boardzilla. Most importantly, it is the argument sent to every Action. For this reason, the Player subclass for your game is passed as an argument to createGame so that every method and object that uses player passes your game's Player type, and you can access your custom methods and properties.

Player Game elements

As described in Board Structure, players can own game elements by setting their player property to a particular player. This marks the element as being assigned to this player, e.g. the player mat, the player's hand, the player's unique tokens. All elements that enter a space assigned to a player are considered to be "owned" by that player, and are accessible using the and player.allMy methods for finding respectively one or many owned elements.

Profile badge

It is generally good practice to place the <ProfileBadge/> component into the UI to mark the player's area of the game and show information about the player, such as score. This automatically displays if it's the player's turn, whether they're online, and links to their profile, if any. It can be further customized with CSS.