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Actions are the building blocks of your game as it relates to its players. A player will play the game by selecting and taking actions. It's your job to define the possible actions and when each player can perform each.

What constitutes an Action?

An action consists of a set of choices that together constitute the whole action. The choices that belong to an action cannot reveal any information or affect the game until the complete action is taken. An action therefore, consists of the complete set of choices and must be taken altogether or not at all. As an action doesn't reveal any private information, a player can change their mind at any point during the action without consequence, and other players will not be aware of this.

Actions are a set of choices or selections

A chess move as a Boardzilla Action would have two selections:

  • Piece to move
  • Space to move it to

You can select them each in turn (or both together via dragging) but you if you select a pawn and change your mind, you can unselect it and select a knight. Selecting the piece by itself does not constitute an action until the destination space is selected.

Each action may contain several selections for the player to make and they must use only the information the player has available at at the time they begin the action. If an action involves revealing information and then making a follow up choice, these must be separate actions. (see follow-ups).

Actions are like functions

Think of actions like function calls. An action for a chess move would be like a function named move that takes two arguments piece and space. This is a single action, not two. The player's client would essentially make a call like:

For this reason, you will sometimes see the values selected by the players called "arguments".

Anatomy of an action

An action consists of several required properties.

  • a unique name by which it will be referred to, e.g. playCard
  • zero or more selections that a player must make to perform the action
  • the behavior of the action such as moving a piece and displaying a message

As well, an action can have several optional properties.

  • conditions on whether an action can be performed at all
  • validations on the selections for an action
  • unique prompts to help the player understand their action
  • a description for other players to see what's happening
  • any additional confirmations the player needs for this action

Actions are all created in a single place in game/index.ts inside the createGame when you call game.defineActions. Each action is listed with its name, and the selections and behaviors of the action are chained onto it, e.g.:

Chaining action methods
bid: player => action({
prompt: "Make a bid",
description: "bidding",
condition: !player.passedThisAuction
"amount", {
min: board.lastBid ?? 1
({ amount }) => board.lastBid = amount
`{{player}} bid {{amount}}`

There's quite a bit going on with this action. Let's break it down:

  • The name of the action is "bid", defined as the key of the object.
  • Notice that the action function accepts a player argument. This is the player performing this action, which is why later in the action we can refer to the player's money and use their name in the message.
  • This action has one selection which is named "amount". This is a number selection created with chooseNumber.
  • This action has two behavior functions. One is a do that records the bid amount as board.lastBid and one is a message sent to the players.
  • This action also has 3 properties. We've added a string prompt, a description, and also a condition for performing this action, namely that the player may not perform this action if they have already passed this auction.


An action can have zero or more selections. There are 5 fundamental types of selections available in Boardzilla.

numberchooseNumberSelect from a range of numbers, such as when spending an arbitrary amount of resources.Number picker
textenterTextEnter text, such as in word-guessing games.Input box
choiceschooseFromSelect from a list of choices.List of buttons
boardchooseOnBoardSelect something on the board, a piece or spaceSelectable elements on the board can be clicked
placementplacePieceSelect the exact position for a pieceThe selected piece becomes movable and snaps to valid positions

In addition there is an additional select chooseGroup which allows you to combine these selections into a single selection

groupchooseGroupCombination of chooseNumber, enterText, chooseFrom or placePieceCombined based on the combination

Each selection added to an Action must be one of these types, and must have a name unique to this action. The methods above are called one by one, chained onto the action in the order the player must select them. You can think of these methods like Chained Promises that are resolved by the choice the player makes. All the values selected by the player become available to function calls later in the action, as a single argument with key-value pairs for the selections. For example:

prompt: "Pick a number and a word"
({ amount, guess }) => {
// amount equals the number the player chose
// guess equals the text the player entered

Because of this, selections can use the result of previous selections within a single action. Whenever you're making selections within an action, and a property accepts a function, that function will be called with the selections up to that point.

Often one selection will depend on the choices made in previous selections. For example, suppose the player needs to select a type of resource to purchase and the amount they wish to purchase. The chooseNumber method accepts min and max to set the range of allowed values. We might set the max based on the amount available for the resource they chose.

prompt: "Purchase resources",
"resource", ["Lumber", "Steel", "Wheat"]
"amount", {
min: 1,
// here the "resource" chosen is available to limit the range for the 2nd selection
max: ({ resource }) => board.availableResources(resource),
Using Typescript for actions

Because the choose functions declare the type of selection, Typescript will correctly type these arguments later when you use them. This is useful to double check that you have entered the selections correctly.


After a player has made all the necessary choices and submitted the action, it's time to actually do something!


The most common behavior is to move a Piece or Pieces into a new location. For most moves, we can just call move after the selections, e.g.

  player => action({
prompt: "Play a card",
"card", player.allMy(Card)
// move the card selected into the "play" Space
"card", $.play

Notice that in this example we use a string as the first argument, meaning "use the piece(s) the player selected in the selection with this name". For the second argument we specify a predetermined location with a literal Space. Both the piece(s) moved and the location they're moved to can be either player choices (string names) or predetermined game elements (GameElement expressions).

Boardzilla will make this move when the player has made all their selctions, and will additionally permit a mouse drag if using a desktop browser.

There are two other speicialized types of moves available. Use swap when you want a player to select Pieces and swap their location, e.g.:

  player => action({
prompt: "Choose a card from hand to exchange for the top card of the deck",
"card", player.allMy(Card)
// swap the card selected with the top card of the deck
"card", $.deck.first(Card)!

Similarly, reorder can be used to changed the location of selected Pieces, but this operates on a collection of objects, i.e. allowing players to rearrange a set of cards, e.g.

  player => action({
prompt: "Reorder the cards in field",
// Choose a card in field and reorder it

The reorder action allows the player to choose one item in the collection and place it into a new position, while the other elements of the collection retain their relative order. It is common to allow this action repeatedly so a player can freely reorder the entire collection, using e.g. playerActions.repeatUntil.


Note that placePiece and reorder are special methods that are both selection and behavior. The player make the selections necessary and Boardzilla makes the appropriate moves as part of the action.


It's usually good to send a message to all players explaining what just occurred. The easiest way to do this is by adding a message call onto the action. The message function takes a string and can interpolate either the player name or any of the items selected by using {{handlebars}} syntax. For example in the play card action above, we can add a message like this:

  player => action({
prompt: "Play a card",
"card", player.allMy(Card)
"card", $.play
"{{player}} played {{card}}"

We can also add more {{handlebars}} variables using the second argument, e.g.:

"{{player}} played {{card}} and now has a score of {{score}}",
{ score: player.score() }

To message only a specific player or players, use the messageTo method instead. This is important since the messages may include information that is otherwise invisible to some players. E.g.:

player, "You drew {{card}}"
player.others(), "{{player}} drew a card"

Besides chaining the message/messageTo on to the actions, these can also be called at any point using game.message and game.messageTo. This is useful if the rules of the game generate messages outside of players taking specific actions. These calls are the same but don't have any pre-supplied player or action arguments.

Using {{handlebars}}

Using Boardzilla's {{handlebars}} syntax in messages allows references to Players or Game Element objects to have special formatting applied. You can interpolate values into the message string directly, but for this reason, using the {{handlebars}} syntax is recommended.

Message strings

Boardzilla provides string representations of Players and Game Elements that use their "name" using the standard toString(). Feel free to override these and provide your own toString() if you want to customize how these things appear in messages.

Other behavior

All other behavior can be achieved with the general do method. This just lets us add arbitrary code to an action. Suppose that in our card play example above, we additionally want to perform some logic if the drawn card is special. An additional do clause might look like:

  player => action({
prompt: "Play a card",
"card", player.allMy(Card)
"card", $.play
"{{player}} played {{card}}"
({ card }) => {
if (card.isSpecial()) card.performSpecial();

We can add anything we need here, mutating and moving items on the board or changing state in any way. Note that just like in all action-related functions, the player's selections are passed to the do function in a single object of key-value pairs using the names provided for each Selection.

Order matters

Order matters! When mixing message and do or move keep in mind that if you mutate the board, the message call will use the state before or after the mutation depending on which order you chain the methods.

Tree-shaking and Skipping

Where possible, Boardzilla analyzes each possible action based on the state of the board to determine which actions can be performed, or when players only have a single action available to them. For example, if you have a playCard action that has a selection of any card in the player's hand, but that player has no cards, the playCard will be removed from the list of possible actions. Also if a player has no cards in their hand, and their only choices are to play a card or pass, Boardzilla will only present the pass action to the player.

In the example above with choosing "resource" and "amount", consider what would happen if board.availableResources("Lumber") returned 0. In this case, min would be 1 and the max would be 0, resulting in an invalid choice. Boardzilla would therefore eliminate "Lumber" from the possible resources to choose from. It's possible that only one resource is selectable, in this case the "resource" selection can be skipped and the player would be prompted only for the "amount" when trying to perform this action.

Skipping forced selections

If there is only one possible action to move the game forward, the player's client will automatically make this move.

For example, if a player is presented with options to play cards, use items, or pass, if they have neither cards nor items, then the game will automatically "pass".

This behavior can be changed using skipIf which is detailed below.

The process of eliminating actions based on what is possible is called "tree-shaking". Boardzilla handles this for you automatically. This means you can add several possible actions to the list of available actions, even if some of them depend on unusual circumstances. Perhaps an action can only be taken if you have a particular card, or if the game is in a particular phase, etc. Boardzilla will prune the set of possible actions to present the choices to the player that make sense under the circumstances.

Customizing the tree-shaking

There are several ways Boardzilla can tree-shake an action, and ways you can customize this behavior. The principal way is by looking at the possible selections. If you present a list of possible choices dynamically, e.g. the cards in the player's hand, then Boardzilla will automatically evaluate that to see if the selection can be removed or skipped.

You can also declare that an entire action is impossible based on other reasons by adding a condition to the action. In the example above we set a condition for the "bid" action, which is that the player must have not passed the auction, which was recorded as player.passedThisAuction. In this case, the "bid" action should be pruned from the player's choices, which we do by adding the following:

prompt: 'Make a bid',
condition: !player.passedThisAuction

You can also provide custom validation on the individual selections. Each selection has a validate option that you can use to check all the player choices up until that point to see if the selections are valid, and supply error text if desired. This can be useful for moves where there are several choices that are potentially allowed, but in combination are not allowed. It is also useful for times when you want to provide a specific message to players' about why a selection is invalid, rather than relying on Boardzilla to automatically remove invalid options via tree-shaking.


Boardzilla has 3 different strategies it follows for choosing what to skip and applies them by default to different actions and selections. Generally the defaults create an intuitive set of prompts for players regardless of the situation, but it is easy to modify which strategy is used as it suits the action. To modify this strategy, add a skipIf parameter to either a selection function, or to the playerActions function.

StrategyskipIf valueDescriptionDefault
Never Skip"never"Boardzilla will always present this selection to players even if it is their only choice.n/a
Skip if Only One"only-one"Boardzilla will skip this selection if there is only one viable option.Default for all selection functions
Always Skip"always"Rather than present this choice directly, the player will be prompted with choices from the next choice in the action for each possible choice here, essentially expanding the choices ahead of time to save the player a step. This option only has relevance if there are subsequent choices in the action.Default for playerActions

For example, if you want the player to play a card from hand but want the player to explicitly click the card, even if there is only one card in hand to play, your action might look like:

  player => action({
prompt: "Play a card",
"card", player.allMy(Card),
{ skipIf: "never" }


Sometimes an action will trigger further actions based on new information, such as when revealing a card that requires some choices and actions for the player. In these cases the action can trigger additional actions using game.followUp. This can be called anywhere that is triggered directly by the action, usually in the action do. This causes Boardzilla to immediately prompt this action following the completion of the current action.

  player => action({
prompt: "Play a card",
"card", player.allMy(Card)
"card", $.play
({ card }) => {
if (card.hasSpecialAction) {
game.followUp({ name: "specialAction" });

In this example, certain cards trigger another action named "specialAction". This action must be defined elsewhere in the defineActions call with this name.

Often a variety of ways to trigger this follow-up will exist in play with variations. Imagine a card game where drawing certain cards lets you take resources of your choice, but different cards let you take different amounts. Rather than define different actions for each amount, we can pass arguments to the follow-up action using args. The triggering action might look like this:

  player => action({
prompt: "Play a card",
"card", player.allMy(Card)
"card", $.play
({ card }) => {
if (card.takeResources > 0) {
name: "takeResources",
args: { amount: card.takeResources }

In this case the "amount" becomes just another argument in the action named "takeResources" except that instead of being a player selection, this one is passed in. The "takeResources" action then might look something like this:

  player => action<{ amount: number }>({
prompt: "Take resources",
"resource", ["Lumber", "Steel", "Wheat"]
({ resource, amount }) => player.addResources(resource, amount)

Note the use of the Typescript generic here <{amount: number}>. This is not required but ensures that Typescript correctly types amount later in the do call since it has no other way of knowing what that argument is.