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Class: Action<A>

Actions represent discreet moves players can make. These contain the choices needed to take this action and the results of the action. Create Actions using the Game#action function. Actions are evaluated at the time the player has the option to perform the action, so any expressions that involve game state will reflect the state at the time the player is performing the action.

Type parameters

Aextends Record<string, Argument> = NonNullable<unknown>



do(move): Action<A>

Add behaviour to this action to alter game state. After adding the choices to an action, calling do causes Boardzilla to use the player choices to actually do something with those choices. Call this method after all the methods for player choices so that the choices are properly available to the do function.


move(args: A) => anyThe action to perform. This function accepts one argument with key-value pairs for each choice added to the action using the provided names.




player => action({
prompt: 'Take resources',
'resource', ['lumber', 'steel'],
{ prompt: 'Select resource' }
'amount', {
prompt: 'Select amount',
max: 3
}).do(({ resource, amount }) => {
// the choices are automatically passed in with their proper type
game.firstN(amount, Resource, {resource}).putInto('stockPile')

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message(text, args?): Action<A>

Add a message to this action that will be broadcast in the chat. Call this method after all the methods for player choices so that the choices are properly available to the message function. However the message should be called before or after any do behaviour depending on whether you want the message to reflect the game state before or after the move is performs. The action's message and do functions can be intermixed in this way to generate messages at different points int the execution of a move.


textstringThe text of the message to send. This can contain interpolated strings with double braces just as when calling Game#message directly. However when using this method, the player performing the action, plus any choices made in the action are automatically made available.
args?Record<string, Argument> | (a: A) => Record<string, Argument>If additional strings are needed in the message besides 'player' and the player choices, these can be specified here. This can also be specified as a function that accepts the player choices and returns key-value pairs of strings for interpolation.




prompt: 'Say something',
'{{player}} said {{message}}' // no args needed
"I said, {{player}} said {{loudMessage}}",
({ message }) => ({ loudMessage: message.toUpperCase() })

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messageTo(player, text, args?): Action<A>

Add a message to this action that will be broadcast in the chat to the specified player(s). Call this method after all the methods for player choices so that the choices are properly available to the message function. However the message should be called before or after any do behaviour depending on whether you want the message to reflect the game state before or after the move is performs. The action's message and do functions can be intermixed in this way to generate messages at different points int the execution of a move.


playernumber | Player<BaseGame, BasePlayer> | (number | Player<BaseGame, BasePlayer>)[]Player or players to receive the message
textstringThe text of the message to send. This can contain interpolated strings with double braces just as when calling Game#message directly. However when using this method, the player performing the action, plus any choices made in the action are automatically made available.
args?Record<string, Argument> | (a: A) => Record<string, Argument>If additional strings are needed in the message besides 'player' and the player choices, these can be specified here. This can also be specified as a function that accepts the player choices and returns key-value pairs of strings for interpolation.




prompt: 'Say something',
'{{player}} said {{message}}' // no args needed
"I said, {{player}} said {{loudMessage}}",
({ message }) => ({ loudMessage: message.toUpperCase() })

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move(piece, into): Action<A>

Perform a move with the selected element(s) into a selected Space/Piece. This is almost the equivalent of calling Action#do and adding a putInto command, except that the game will also permit the UI to allow a mouse drag for the move.


piecePiece<Game<BaseGame, BasePlayer>, BasePlayer> | keyof AA Piece to move or the name of the piece selection in this action
intoGameElement<BaseGame, BasePlayer> | keyof AA GameElement to move into or the name of the destination selection in this action. player => action({ prompt: 'Discard a card from hand' }).chooseOnBoard( 'card', ).move( 'card', $.discard )



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swap(piece1, piece2): Action<A>

Swap the location of two Pieces. Each of the two pieces can either be the name of a previous chooseOnBoard, or a simply provide a piece if it is not a player choice. The game will also allow a mouse drag for the swap.


piece1Piece<Game<BaseGame, BasePlayer>, BasePlayer> | keyof AA Piece to swap or the name of the piece selection in this action
piece2Piece<Game<BaseGame, BasePlayer>, BasePlayer> | keyof AA Piece to swap or the name of the piece selection in this action player => action({ prompt: 'Exchange a card from hand with the top of the deck' }).chooseOnBoard( 'card', ).swap( 'card', $.deck.first(Card)! )



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reorder(collection, options?): Action<A & { __reorder_to__: Piece<Game<BaseGame, BasePlayer>, BasePlayer> ; __reorder_from__: number }>

Have the player select one of the Pieces in the collection and select a new position within the collection while keeping everything else in the same order. The game will also permit a mouse drag for the reorder.


collectionPiece<Game<BaseGame, BasePlayer>, BasePlayer>[]A collection of Pieces to reorder
options.prompt?string | (args: A) => stringPrompt displayed to the user for this reorder choice. player => action({ prompt: 'Reorder cards in hand' }).reorder( )


Action<A & { __reorder_to__: Piece<Game<BaseGame, BasePlayer>, BasePlayer> ; __reorder_from__: number }>

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chooseFrom<N, T>(name, choices, options?): Action<A & { [key in string]: T }>

Add a choice to this action from a list of options. These choices will be displayed as buttons in the UI.

Type parameters

Nextends string
Textends SingleArgument


nameNThe name of this choice. This name will be used in all functions that accept the player's choices
choicesT & string | number | boolean[] | { label: string ; choice: T }[] | (args: A) => T & string | number | boolean[] | { label: string ; choice: T }[]An array of choices. This may be an array of simple values or an array of objects in the form: { label: string, choice: value } where value is the actual choice that will be passed to the rest of the action, but label is the text presented to the player that they will be prompted to click. Use the object style when you want player text to contain additional logic or differ in some way from the choice, similiar to <option value="key">Some text</option> in HTML. This can also be a function that returns the choice array. This function will accept arguments for each choice the player has made up to this point in the action.
options.prompt?string | (args: A) => stringPrompt displayed to the user for this choice.
options.confirm?string | [string, undefined | Record<string, Argument> | (args: A & { [key in string]: T }) => Record<string, Argument>]A confirmation message that the player will always see before commiting this choice. This can be useful to present additional information about the consequences of this choice, or simply to force the player to hit a button with a clear message. This can be a simple string, or a 2-celled array in the same form as message with a string message and a set of key-value pairs for string interpolation, optionally being a function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices, and returns the interpolation object.
options.validate?(args: A & { [key in string]: T }) => undefined | string | booleanA function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices and returns a boolean. If false, the game will not allow the player to submit this choice. If a string is returned, this will display as the reason for disallowing these selections.
options.skipIf?"always" | "never" | "only-one" | (args: A) => booleanOne of 'always', 'never' or 'only-one' or a function returning a boolean. (Default 'only-one').
  • only-one: If there is only valid choice in the choices given, the game will skip this choice, prompting the player for subsequent choices, if any, or completing the action otherwise.
  • always: Rather than present this choice directly, the player will be prompted with choices from the next choice in the action for each possible choice here, essentially expanding the choices ahead of time to save the player a step. This option only has relevance if there are subsequent choices in the action.
  • never: Always present this choice, even if the choice is forced
  • function: A function that accepts all player choices up to this point and returns a boolean. If returning true, this choice will be skipped. This form is useful in the rare situations where the choice at the time may be meaningless, e.g. selecting from a set of identical tokens. In this case the game will make the choice for the player using the first viable option.


Action<A & { [key in string]: T }>


prompt: 'Choose color',
'color', ['white', 'blue', 'red'],
({ color }) => ... color will be equal to the player-selected color ...

// a more complex example:
prompt: 'Take resources',
'resource', ['lumber', 'steel', 'oil'],
{ prompt: 'Select resource' }
// Use the functional style to include the resource choice in the text
// Also use object style to have the value simply be "high" or "low"
'grade', ({ resource }) => [
{ choice: 'high', label: `High grade ${resource}` }
{ choice: 'low', label: `Low grade ${resource}` }
// A follow-up choice that doesn't apply to "oil"
skipIf: ({ resource }) => resource === 'oil',
// Add an 'are you sure?' message
confirm: ['Buy {{grade}} grade {{resource}}?', ({ grade }) = ({ grade: grade.toUpperCase() })]
).do (
({ resource, grade }) => {
// resource will equal 'lumber', 'steel' or 'oil'
// grade will equal 'high' or 'low'

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enterText<N>(name, options?): Action<A & { [key in string]: string }>

Prompt the user for text entry. Use this in games where players submit text, like word-guessing games.

Type parameters

Nextends string


nameNThe name of this text input. This name will be used in all functions that accept the player's choices
options.prompt?string | (args: A) => stringPrompt displayed to the user for entering this text.
options.validate?(args: A & { [key in string]: string }) => undefined | string | booleanA function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices and returns a boolean. If false, the game will not allow the player to submit this text. If a string is returned, this will display as the reason for disallowing this text.
options.initial?string | (args: A) => stringDefault text that can appear initially before a user types.


Action<A & { [key in string]: string }>


prompt: 'Guess a word',
{ prompt: 'Your guess', }
guess => `{{player}} guessed ${guess}`

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chooseNumber<N>(name, options?): Action<A & { [key in string]: number }>

Add a numerical choice for this action. This will be presented with a number picker.

Type parameters

Nextends string


nameNThe name of this choice. This name will be used in all functions that accept the player's choices
options.min?number | (args: A) => numberMinimum allowed. Default 1.
options.max?number | (args: A) => numberMaximum allowed. Default Infinity
options.prompt?string | (args: A) => stringPrompt displayed to the user for entering this number.
options.confirm?string | [string, undefined | Record<string, Argument> | (args: A & { [key in string]: number }) => Record<string, Argument>]A confirmation message that the player will always see before commiting this choice. This can be useful to present additional information about the consequences of this choice, or simply to force the player to hit a button with a clear message. This can be a simple string, or a 2-celled array in the same form as message with a string message and a set of key-value pairs for string interpolation, optionally being a function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices, and returns the interpolation object.
options.validate?(args: A & { [key in string]: number }) => undefined | string | booleanA function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices and returns a boolean. If false, the game will not allow the player to submit this choice. If a string is returned, this will display as the reason for disallowing these selections.
options.initial?number | (args: A) => numberInitial value to display in the picker
options.skipIf?"always" | "never" | "only-one" | (args: A) => booleanOne of 'always', 'never' or 'only-one' or a function returning a boolean. (Default 'only-one').
  • only-one: If there is only valid choice in the choices given, the game will skip this choice, prompting the player for subsequent choices, if any, or completing the action otherwise.
  • always: Rather than present this choice directly, the player will be prompted with choices from the next choice in the action for each possible choice here, essentially expanding the choices ahead of time to save the player a step. This option only has relevance if there are subsequent choices in the action.
  • never: Always present this choice, even if the choice is forced
  • function: A function that accepts all player choices up to this point and returns a boolean. If returning true, this choice will be skipped. This form is useful in the rare situations where the choice at the time may be meaningless, e.g. selecting from a set of identical tokens. In this case the game will make the choice for the player using the first viable option.


Action<A & { [key in string]: number }>


player => action({
prompt: 'Buy resources',
'amount', {
min: 5,
max: 10 // select from 5 - 10
({ amount }) => player.resource += amount

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chooseOnBoard<T, N>(name, choices, options?): Action<A & { [key in string]: T }>

Add a choice of game elements to this action. Users will click on the playing area to make their choice.

Type parameters

Textends GameElement<BaseGame, BasePlayer>
Nextends string


nameNThe name of this choice. This name will be used in all functions that accept the player's choices
choicesBoardQueryMulti<T, A>Elements that may be chosen. This can either be an array of elements or a function returning an array, if the choices depend on previous choices. If using a function, it will accept arguments for each choice the player has made up to this point in the action.
options.prompt?string | (args: A) => stringPrompt displayed to the user for this choice.
options.confirm?string | [string, undefined | Record<string, Argument> | (args: A & { [key in string]: T }) => Record<string, Argument>]A confirmation message that the player will always see before commiting this choice. This can be useful to present additional information about the consequences of this choice, or simply to force the player to hit a button with a clear message. This can be a simple string, or a 2-celled array in the same form as message with a string message and a set of key-value pairs for string interpolation, optionally being a function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices up to this point, including this one, and returns the interpolation object.
options.validate?(args: A & { [key in string]: T }) => undefined | string | booleanA function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices and returns a boolean. If false, the game will not allow the player to submit this choice. If a string is returned, this will display as the reason for disallowing these selections.
options.initial?undefinedOptional list of game elements to be preselected
options.min?undefinedIf supplied, the choice is for a set of elements and the minimum required is min.
options.max?undefinedIf supplied, the choice is for a set of elements and the maximum allowed is max.
options.number?undefinedIf supplied, the choice is for a set of exactly number elements. For example, if the player is being asked to pass 3 cards from their hand, the choices should be to the cards in their hand and the number to 3.
options.skipIf?"always" | "never" | "only-one" | (args: A) => booleanOne of 'always', 'never' or 'only-one' or a function returning a boolean. (Default 'only-one').
  • only-one: If there is only valid choice in the choices given, the game will skip this choice, prompting the player for subsequent choices, if any, or completing the action otherwise.
  • always: Rather than present this choice directly, the player will be prompted with choices from the next choice in the action for each possible choice here, essentially expanding the choices ahead of time to save the player a step. This option only has relevance if there are subsequent choices in the action.
  • never: Always present this choice, even if the choice is forced
  • function: A function that accepts all player choices up to this point and returns a boolean. If returning true, this choice will be skipped. This form is useful in the rare situations where the choice at the time may be meaningless, e.g. selecting from a set of identical tokens. In this case the game will make the choice for the player using the first viable option.


Action<A & { [key in string]: T }>


player => action({
prompt: 'Mulligan',
'cards', player.allMy(Card), {
prompt: 'Mulligan 1-3 cards',
// select 1-3 cards from hand
min: 1,
max: 3
({ cards }) => {
// `cards` is an ElementCollection of the cards selected
$.deck.firstN(cards.length, Card).putInto('hand')!);

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chooseGroup<R>(choices, options?): Action<ExpandGroup<A, R>>

Create a multi-selection choice. These selections will be presented all at once as a form. This is used for form-like choices that have a number of choices that are not board choices, i.e. chooseFrom, chooseNumber and enterText

Type parameters

Rextends Group


choicesRAn object containing the selections. This is a set of key-value pairs where each key is the name of the selection and each value is an array of options where the first array element is a string indicating the type of choice ('number', 'select', 'text') and subsequent elements contain the options for the appropriate choice function (chooseNumber, chooseFrom or enterText).
options.validate?(args: ExpandGroup<A, R>) => undefined | string | booleanA function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices and returns a boolean. If false, the game will not allow the player to submit these choices. If a string is returned, this will display as the reason for disallowing these selections.
options.confirm?string | [string, undefined | Record<string, Argument> | (args: ExpandGroup<A, R>) => Record<string, Argument>]A confirmation message that the player will always see before commiting this choice. This can be useful to present additional information about the consequences of this choice, or simply to force the player to hit a button with a clear message. This can be a simple string, or a 2-celled array in the same form as message with a string message and a set of key-value pairs for string interpolation, optionally being a function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices, and returns the interpolation object.


Action<ExpandGroup<A, R>>


prompt: 'purchase'
lumber: ['number', { min: 2 }],
steel: ['number', { min: 2 }]
}, {
// may not purchase more than 10 total resources
validate: ({ lumber, steel }) => lumber + steel <= 10

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placePiece<T>(piece, into, options?): Action<A & { __placement__: number[] } & { [key in string]: Object }>

Add a placement selection to this action. This will be presented as a piece that players can move into the desired location, snapping to the grid of the destination as the player moves.

Type parameters

Textends string


pieceTThe name of the piece selection in this action from a chooseOnBoard prior to this
intoPieceGrid<Game<BaseGame, BasePlayer>>A GameElement to move into
options.prompt?string | (args: A) => stringPrompt displayed to the user for this placement choice.
options.confirm?string | [string, undefined | Record<string, Argument> | (args: A & { [key in string]: Object }) => Record<string, Argument>]A confirmation message that the player will always see before commiting this choice. This can be useful to present additional information about the consequences of this choice, or simply to force the player to hit a button with a clear message. This can be a simple string, or a 2-celled array in the same form as message with a string message and a set of key-value pairs for string interpolation, optionally being a function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices, and returns the interpolation object.
options.validate?(args: A & { [key in string]: Object }) => undefined | string | booleanA function that takes an object of key-value pairs for all player choices and returns a boolean. The position selected during the piece placement can be checked by reading the 'column', 'row' and rotation properties of the piece as provided in the first argument. If false, the game will not allow the player to submit these choices. If a string is returned, this will display as the reason for disallowing these selections.
options.rotationChoices?number[]= An array of valid rotations in degrees. These choices must be normalized to numbers between 0-359°. If supplied the piece will be given rotation handles for the player to set the rotation and position together. player => action({ prompt: 'Place your tile' }).chooseOnBoard( 'tile', ).placePiece( 'tile', $.map, { confirm: ({ tile }) => [ 'Place tile into row {{row}} and column {{column}}?', tile ] })


Action<A & { __placement__: number[] } & { [key in string]: Object }>

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confirm(prompt): Action<A>

Add a confirmtation step to this action. This can be useful if you want to present additional information to the player related to the consequences of their choice, like a cost incurred. Or this can simply be used to force the user to click an additional button on a particular important choice.


promptstring | (args: A) => stringButton text for the confirmation step. This can be a function returning the text which accepts each choice the player has made up till now as an argument.




prompt: "Buy resources",
'amount', {
prompt: "Amount",
max: Math.floor(player.coins / 5)
({ amount }) => `Spend ${amount * 5} coins`
}).do(({ amount }) => {
player.resource += amount;
player.coins -= amount * 5;

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