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Game Settings

If you have specific settings for your game that can be set on a per-game basis, these are also added in the render function in ui/index.tsx using a settings property.

Here you can add a property of the game that the host can set when setting up the game. Boardzilla will render the controls to adjust this setting depending on whether it's a number, a multiple choice, a toggle or a string. Provide a key for the setting and then the selection that the host made is available by calling game.setting in your game rules.

For example, to include an option for the host to turn on/off real-time VP in your game, you might add:

  render(setup, {
settings: {
realtimeVp: toggleSetting("Show VP in real-time")

And somewhere in your UI code you will lookup the game's setting to see if this value is turned on to determine whether to show VP:

  if (game.setting("realtimeVp")) {
// show VP