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Getting started

Before you get started

In order to make a game in Boardzilla you'll need to have:

As well, a knowledge of the following is essential to writing a game in Boardzilla:

As well, some familiarity with the following is useful:

  • React, particularly with JSX
  • esbuild which is used to compile and build your game

Installing the devtools

The devtools provides your interface for creating, developing and submitting games.

Via homebrew tap

brew install boardzilla/tap/boardzilla-devtools

And to upgrade:

brew update
brew upgrade boardzilla-devtools

Via go

This requires you have go version >=1.21 installed which can be obtained from here

go install

And to upgrade:

GOPROXY=direct go install

Via bash

curl -sfL | bash -s

And to upgrade re-run the same command.

Via source

This requires you have go version >=1.21 installed which can be obtained from here

git clone
cd boardzilla-devtools
go build -o bz cmd/bz/main.go

After building you'll need to place the bz binary in your path.